Our partners, Écureuil, bébé, nid, gris, poils, couverture, bleu, oreille, queue
Our partners, Animex animal ambulance. Conure, oiseau, plume, plumes, aile, ailes, bec, oeil, patte, pattes, griffe, griffes, tête, perroquet, main, mains, doigt, doigts, pouce, pouces, ongle, ongles, index, bras, manche, manches, chandail, bureau, babillard, feuille, feuilles, téléphone, clavier, table, pot, masson, chaise, jeans, rose, beige, pêche, vert, blanc, gris, rouge, orange, noir, jaune
Our partners, Animex animal ambulance, femme, tête, cheveux, front, nez, chandail, coton ouaté, capuchon, épaule, main, bracelet, genoux, jambe, soulier, pied, pantalon, couverture, cage, transporteur, porte, grille, grillage, aération, table, balcon, arbre, gazon, poteau, noir, blanc, rose, bleu, vert, gris, pêche
Our partners, canin, chien, tête, oreille, oreilles, oeil, yeux, pupille, pupilles, iris, museau, narine, narines, bouche, dent, dents, cou, patte, pattes, corps, queue, collier, laisse, attache, harnais, médaille, suspendu, attache, fermeture, promenade, dehors, gazon, pelouse, cône, balle, bleu, vert, rouge, noir, brun, rose, beige, jaune

City of Verdun

We are the animal management for the borough of Verdun, which includes Ile-Des-Sœurs.

If you find an injured or sick animal (pigeon, cat, groundhog, raccoon, snake, etc.), call us and we will pick it up to bring it to the SPCA. Also, if you find a cat or dog that seems lost, contact us! we can go and check if it is microchipped.

We are also available to answer your questions about animals, inform you about the legality of the actions to take and help you find the best approach to follow.

Outside the city of Verdun, you must contact 311 (Montreal number) or the SPCA. Outside the city of Montreal, you must call your municipality. Similarly for a deceased animal, you must contact the city directly. Know that the animal must not be on your private property, it must be on the sidewalk, the edge of the street or in an alley.

Note that we do not rescue bats and vermin (rats, mice, etc.)

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)

We collaborate with the SPCA for calls from the borough of Verdun. Injured, suffering or dying wildlife are automatically taken there when they are picked up. Also, pets found as dogs, birds, cats or reptiles are immediately brought there, after checking if they are microchipped.
Our partners, sauvetage, rescue, refuge, SPCA, collaboration SPCA, animal